The pandemic started on 2020 of March. I remember being so happy because our classes were suspended for a week, I remember almost all the students I know was thanking Covid-19 back then due to the fact that it gave us the time we thought we "needed" to rest because school life was getting hectic and annoying.
And it's funny really because who would have thought that the enjoyment that all students had experienced would slowly turn into hatred and deep longing. It made me realize the importance of certain experiences that I took for granted, as I stayed inside my home for almost two years.
It made me crave to see that annoying classmate of mine that I would have sworn back then I could trade for peace and quietness. Pandemic had made me crave for that annoyance I tend to feel when the classroom was too loud or that feeling of fun and belonging whenever we had activities, festivities, or parties. It made me realize just how my classmates and bus mates made me happy and enjoy.
The pandemic has also made me realize that a lot could change in just a blink of an eye and how hard it is to just see numerous friends of yours change their profile pictures into that of mourning. It was scary how fast a fun country turned into full of scared people to go out of their house.