This is a compilation of outputs made by me and my friends for our subject, Empowerment Technology. It is full of designs and ideas generated by a young mind. We hope that these ideas will be an inspiration to everyone.
Performance Task #1: My media life is like____
In this task, we were asked to make an illustration of how are media life is like.
Jamie Nicole Benwick
Renz Kirby Ramirez:
Jedh Gabrielle Molinar
Performance Task #2: Digital Outputs
We had the option of creating a menu, a business card, an application letter, or a résumé for this work.
Jamie Nicole Benwick: Business Card
Renz Kirby Ramirez: Business Card
Jedh Gabrielle Molinar: Menu
Performance Task #3: Infographics
Our task is to make our own infographics for the two given themes. These topics were "how to take care of your own mental health" and "study tips for online classes."
Jamie Nicole Benwick: Study tips for online classes
Renz Kirby Ramirez: How to look after our mental health
Jedh Gabrielle Molinar: How to look after our mental health
Performance Task #4: Blog
Finally, here is the assignment that led to the creation of this website. We were given the task of creating a blog and writing an article about our discoveries throughout the pandemic.